
Showing posts from November, 2017

World View Perspective: The mechanisms of change

If we study the life cycle of anything that grows; children, animals, plants, flowers or vegetables, we notice that changes often usher in the greater growth.  The wind in late fall blows off the leaves, covering the forest ground in one last blast of color before the fresh white blanket of snow falls.  It lets a natural process happen, which is important for what comes after it.  It allows the seasons to continue.  The new growth of Spring is ushered in onto the empty branches.  The same with our human experiences.  Change happens and change is necessary for greater growth, expansion and JOY! As we get older, our children grow into adults, marry and begin having their families.  We were once out front, leading our lives, getting our educations and finding our spouses, houses and starting our families.  We begin retreating and slowing down as they begin their quest for often the very same things.  When things begin to shift and change, howe...

World View Perspective: The wounding of our personal heart

When our personal heart has been wounded, broken, affected or shattered, we will find anyway possible to hide it, distract it or fill up ourselves differently.  We will avoid that pain every which way we can so we don't appear foolish, vulnerable or an easy target for and to others.  How we go about doing self-comfort changes but what we choose can become an addiction.  Another option is we can take deep emotional, personal pain and instead become angry, unruly and overly-reactive versus suffer in silence or hide away.  We can react poorly to any and all that we perceive have caused that pain in us, whether it is real or imagined.  Lashing out is often the easier, better path to take in our mind because then we think we have done something that defends ourselves better then our other choice to just sit and take it. There is another way to heal our own broken, personal heart.  We can appeal to our own Higher Consciousness and ask it to enter our own self t...

World View Perspective: The immobility of resentments

When we hold onto resentments in our personal self, we keep those negative feelings in.  We end up carry the weight of those heavy and unnecessary burdens.  Those negative feelings become an illness in our system; affecting our minds, our emotions and our physical bodies.  Yes, our personal self never gets all it wants in life.  Yes, we can be side-railed by others, even trampled, undercut, and demeaned.  We can resent our roles in life, our place in life, all the suffering we have had to endure and yet freeing up that space is important and valuable for our inherent well being. We may not be aware we are carrying old, worn out resentments.  We may think and feel we are fine, healthy, happy and well and yet going deeper, it can become apparent to us we have a deeper anger hidden within us. With mass shootings on the rise in the US, it seems those who carry such anger and resentments are hitting their own tipping point.  The deeply held resentments ...

World View Perspective: The blessings of imbalances

When something has been imbalanced for a long, long time, the time of re-balance must occur.  Maybe the message is subtle, maybe the message is strong and life-changing but it must occur because without balance, no one can move forward. Many things about human nature are now coming to light because their imbalance has hit a 'tipping point'.  Meaning we can't collectively move forward until this re-addressing happens. Not just in thought or feeling but with action, too. Our minds divide and our hearts unite.  We have a heart and we also have emotional truth.  Emotional truth or emotional intelligence is an answer to where this imbalance must happen.  Female systems, found in humans and animals, most naturally, have an emotional sensitivity, an awareness, an emotional reaction-response because it serves to protect and provide care for the family and the female herself.  It is an inner knowing that alerts a female to what is going on. It is useful in natur...