World View Perspective: The mechanism of the Heart
The Heart understands Love and Compassion as a working, collaborative, functioning and dynamic aspect of healing and positive health. The Heart is like a protective big sister or mother, who watches over the angry ego-mind, the disturbed emotional body and the out of balance psychological self. The Truth in the Heart can teach the rest of the human system to let down it's defenses and find inner peace. The ego-mind, emotional body and psychological self are not as grown up or as mature as the intelligence in the Heart. So when the Heart speaks to the under-developed aspects of the self, they have to behave because of the structure of the hierarchy. Our High Heart is what connects us to the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy. So when we aspire to reach our highest good, we continue to seek and find our High Heart. Once we can hear our High Heart speak to us, we can begin to feel and heal what has been out of balance in our system and, through collaboration with the Force of Love itself, we can heal it. It is like flooding an old stagnant, toxic, stale pond with fresh, pure and conscious Light, Love and Goodness, any part of the water that is not able to reflect and keep the new vibration must clear out. The same principle works in our human system through the mechanism in the Heart. The Love in our High Heart is the purest form of Love we carry and when we are in active, Loving collaboration with it, it flushes our system with Love, Compassion and Understanding. Consequently, this fresh energy takes us to a happier, healthier life of wholeness, balance and harmony, which naturally aligns us more and more with the Heart itself. The true mechanism of the Heart is to guide us home to our True Self found in the High Heart and to be in Union with that Pure Love and Compassion, where we know without a shadow of a doubt, we are not separate from Love itself.
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