
Showing posts from June, 2015

World View Perspective: Our positive core self

Deep inside our very Being is a core positive self.  It is our inner knowing Self.  It is wise, aware and present.  It knows who we are, why we are here and what we are here to do.  It understands our self on all levels and when we collaborate with it, we can effectively heal all parts of our self.  This core Self is positive and good.  It knows Love and Compassion and it knows we are not separate from the Infinite Love as a universal force.  Our core positive Self wants us to forgive ourselves and each other as well as forgive our past so we become more conscious of now and more conscious of our true aspirations.  As we complete identifying with the past, we move towards a much happier and healthier present, which allows the core Self to come forward.  Our core Self knows Joy because it is in Loving Union now.  The core Self can guide us along our path until we recognize and realize we have never been separate from Love itself.  Ou...

World View Perspective: Moving on in gratitude

When we can 'let go and Let God' remove the attachments from the past that are not positive or useful and release all our 'knots' from the past we have held onto, we free up our present now moments.  We begin to move forward to what is correct for us next.  When we can fill our Hearts with gratitude that we were given the chance to finish out the old ideas, dreams, wishes, ideals or hopes that didn't materialize, happen or produce results, we make real true progress.  Growth and evolution are necessary on both the human domains as well as the spiritual domains and when we acknowledge that, what we most need for our next steps towards great maturity comes.  Our own willingness is a factor for progress. On a child's playground, there used to be a set of rings or hoops that were all in a row.  You would grab the first one and swing to the next and the next until you got to the end.  If you didn't release the one before it, you wouldn't get to complet...

World View Perspective: Integrating Love into our system

When we feel connected to the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies through our High Heart, and we become stable in that experience, that Love begins to integrate throughout our system.  Aspects of our self and our system let go of old, stuck energy and fill with a new inner sense of Love, Compassion and Understanding.  Forgiveness becomes a natural way of life and positive energy guides our day and our way with fresh, new energy moving us forward.  Whatever happened before has been released off of us and off of others, whether they are conscious of it or not.  Any sense of negative bondage is gone, just like a rope holding back a hot air balloon.  Pulled tight, it keeps the balloon grounded and still.  Once released, there is a snap and the balloon naturally rises.  Old experiences that are unresolved, not solved can be resolved through the force of Love, Forgiveness and Compassion.  Love is our natural, true energy and through livin...

World View Perspective: The mechanism of the Heart

The Heart understands Love and Compassion as a working, collaborative, functioning and dynamic aspect of healing and positive health.  The Heart is like a protective big sister or mother, who watches over the angry ego-mind, the disturbed emotional body and the out of balance psychological self.  The Truth in the Heart can teach the rest of the human system to let down it's defenses and find inner peace.  The ego-mind, emotional body and psychological self are not as grown up or as mature as the intelligence in the Heart.  So when the Heart speaks to the under-developed aspects of the self, they have to behave because of the structure of the hierarchy.  Our High Heart is what connects us to the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy.  So when we aspire to reach our highest good, we continue to seek and find our High Heart.  Once we can hear our High Heart speak to us, we can begin to feel and heal what has been out of balance in our system and, th...

World View Perspective: Entering fear to transform it into Light

The appearance of fear usually leads us to dance around it or avoid it at all cost.  Yet when our fear is seen as an opportunity to move something forward, we can do so by entering it to transform it into Light.  Simply put, we can do so by Loving it.  Love is the transforming force and nothing, no thing, can resist it.  When coming across something that one fears, like a snake, if one takes a few moments to Love it, the snake will feel it.  When we respect the snake through Love and allow it to Lovingly pass by, the snake will pass by unharmed and unafraid.  Love opens us up to miraculous and healing energy.  Fear contracts us and Love expands us.  Love allows more Love to come.  In each moment, we can inhale and exhale Love and shift our feelings and life to a life filled with more Love.  It takes being conscious in each moment that we are Loving.  Compassion also comes once we have transformed and transmuted a fear into...

World View Perspective: We are 'knot' the energies that hold us back

When we access the intelligence found in our High Heart, we realize we are 'knot' the energies that are knotted up inside us.  As we go through the human experience, we hold onto energies that we might not realize or recognize.  It might be they are held in our mind, our physical body, our emotional nature or in our intellect.  Old memories that we mull over and over but which could be released now all can become a 'knot' that prevents us from moving forward.  When we can establish a relationship we can trust with our High Heart, we can learn to discern what is and isn't for us to hold onto to progress.  Maybe it is something from our childhood, maybe a person who we could never resolve any issues with or maybe it is related to efforts we made that failed.  If we don't take or make the chance to clean these things up and out of our day to day life, they can knot up inside our system and keep us stuck.  They can be in our unconscious/subconsci...

World View Perspective: Our Heart has our best intention

The Love within us always houses our best intention.  Being guided by our mind assists our day to day life in terms of tasks to be done and how best to do them.  Yet, to be at one with who we are and to accept who we truly are, it is our Heart which knows best.  When our true Heart really reaches us, it teaches us to discern what is really for us and what isn't.  We can want something so much to touch us, please us, tease us and move us forward but if it isn't correct for who we are, it is our Heart that can guide us away from what would otherwise distract us.  Our Heart receives and perceives on many levels and layers and it knows what is correct for our further development; both human development and spiritual development.  The difficult part is to hear our Heart and discern what it is trying to tell us.  To understand when we are responding to fear, desire or someone's else's prompting versus our own inner compass that has our true best interest at ...

World View Perspective: Calming the mind and emotions through Love

Our High Heart understand that Love is the highest force we carry.  Our High Heart has it's own intelligence in the human system.  It is like the proverbial 'Big Sister' or 'Mother' in the system.  It Love us, no matter what.  It can even tell us if we have an angry mind or an upset emotional reaction.  It can remind us that living in the past, keeps us stuck there.  It can flag us when we are dwelling on a negative thought/feeling or reaction.  When we can hear the 'voice' in our Heart, we can use that voice wisely and have it calm the mind and our emotions through Love and Compassion.  Just like the mother of a young child.  The calm, compassionate voice of the mother understands when the child has been hurt or negatively effected.  The mother soothes, reassures, offers compassion and understanding to the child when something has occurred that impacts the child.  Our High Heart is the same with us.  When we truly he...

World View Perspective: Forgiving the past, leads us to current day

Forgiveness holds the key for releasing us from the bondages of the past.  We can only do what we think must be done at any time in our life.  We do the best we can, given our circumstances with the only consciousness we have at the time.  The more we sincerely offer to forgive our self and all others and offer that all others forgive us, and we are thankful for all the lessons learned, the more we will sincerely feel that release from the past.  The more we are free from the past, the more likely we are to live more presently aware of all the beauty of life that is around us and surrounds us.  The more conscious we become of how powerful Love and Compassion are within.  Love and Compassion come and grow as we go to and through our growth processes and come out stronger and with more clarity.  The more Love we consciously carry, the more we share with those around us.  When we have surrendered the past and can embrace the 'now' mome...