World View Perspective: Awareness of feeling
Accessing the High Heart brings in Compassion and Love, an intelligence that is found in the 'now' moment. Compassion appears like an awakened presence, showing us a deeper, truer perspective. It is a feeling that alerts us to a fresh, caring, healing point of view. When we become aware of feeling, we can navigate where we are and where we stand. We are gifted with an ability to hear our self and heal our self through feeling. Feeling also allows us that quiet time, where we can connect to our deeper Heart, hearing the guidance, messages and intelligence that dwells there. Awareness of feeling is an empowerment, not a liability. It keeps us true to our self. When we align with that True Heart within, we can surrender all pain, all doubt and all confusion as well as mental blocks, especially old stuck energy related to the past. We can surrender all that feels out of balance to our inner True Self in the Heart. Love and Compassion is what brings us joy, balance, acceptance and harmony within our self. It is the inner union with Love itself. When we are aware of the Love through feeling, we can use that awareness as a gage of where we stand and what feels real to us. It gives us an inner truth to work with and collaborate with, all through an awareness of feeling. True feeling, higher Heart feeling, is an intelligence, it is guidance, it is a navigational tool. Being true to our true self helps us to stand in the truth and not be swept away by the actions, thoughts and feelings of others. Like a tree, rooted to the ground, yet allowed enough flexibility to blow as the wind moves it, yet remaining true to itself as it stands. Feeling connected to our true self and how we are feeling empowers us to truly be and become our self. In that truth, on all levels, we can be happy, healthy, healed, whole and successful, being true to our true self. Awareness of feeling, based on the High Heart, based on Love and Compassion, especially in the now, is true intelligent empowerment. Bring that awareness of feeling through the Heart and feel the awareness of Love itself. Let it embrace all of who you are from within.
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