
Showing posts from March, 2015

World View Perspective: Transforming our sense of worth

As the seasons come and go, and our human self and spiritual self evolve, our sense of self must also evolve.  Within our life circumstances, throughout our ages or stages, there may have been periods of low to no self worth or sense of value.  Perhaps some stuck old sense of self in relationship to true worth and value that became stuffed away somewhere, not yet resolved.  As we seek for greater and greater understanding of how to make shifts and changes, becoming more Heart based, we realize we can offer up old stuck identifications of worth too.  Anything stuck in our system can be offered up to be released and eased, setting in motion fresh new openings of possibilities.  See it like a boulder wedged in a stream.  It is literally in the way of a greater movement of water.  When the large rock is removed, given up, released, the path is clear for a new flow of energy.  Our human system works the same way.  Any aspect of us that blocks...

World View Perspective: Loving our core self as worthy

Even down to our core, Love dwells within us.  Even in our greatest fear, Love can be found.  Our core self is worthy and valuable as is each breath.  When we are grateful for each moment of our lives, even the most difficult of times, especially the most challenging times, transformation begins to happen.  It happens because of the Love and the open acceptance of being who we are.  Love opens like a flower, rich in the fresh fertilization of reflected worth and value.  When we Love our self and see our self as worthy, we give our system every opportunity to heal.  When we can smile through our new, fresh place of awareness, we give others that same possibility.  Our lives are worthy and valuable because we have them.  Each breath in is a blessing as it reconfirms life and each breath out, enables us to let go.  When we stay conscious of loving our self to our worthy core, we set free any and all old stuck energy that we thought we were ...

World View Perspective: Awareness of feeling

Accessing the High Heart brings in Compassion and Love, an intelligence that is found in the 'now' moment.  Compassion appears like an awakened presence, showing us a deeper, truer perspective.  It is a feeling that alerts us to a fresh, caring, healing point of view.  When we become aware of feeling, we can navigate where we are and where we stand.  We are gifted with an ability to hear our self and heal our self through feeling.  Feeling also allows us that quiet time, where we can connect to our deeper Heart, hearing the guidance, messages and intelligence that dwells there.  Awareness of feeling is an empowerment, not a liability. It keeps us true to our self. When we align with that True Heart within, we can surrender all pain, all doubt and all confusion as well as mental blocks, especially old stuck energy related to the past.  We can surrender all that feels out of balance to our inner True Self in the Heart.  Love and Compassion is w...

World View Perspective: For the sake of the Heart

When we understand the voice in our Heart, we realize that life is about shifts and changes.  If we don't pay attention to what our Heart tells us and trust that inner voice and vision, we can be pulled in other directions, allowing distraction and unconsciousness to grab our attention.  We can look up from those distractions and wonder where our Heart went.  Without conscious, deliberate action to hear the guidance from within, it is easy to lose our way or give our power over to someone else.  If it doesn't feel right, it often isn't right.  It is up to us to learn how to discern what is correct for us and what isn't.  Our Heart has our best interest at Heart.  If we need more courage to do what is correct, we can also summon that up from our Highest Heart.  The Heart is the Truth of who we are because it links us to Love itself.  Love is our ultimate expression and purpose here.  To become that Love, we must be able to discern our Hea...

World View Perspective: Compassion for our physical bodies

Our physical bodies are amazingly strong and capable systems.  They absorb so much energetic bombardment on a daily basis.  They receive this bombardment from our environment, our dietary experiences, our mind and emotional responses as they all play out in our human form.  Many unseen energies play off it as well.  Energies of lust, greed, fear, anger and jealousy to name a few.  Many of the energies are subtle and barely detectable but they can still have an impact.  Sometimes, we aren't even conscious of the heaviness we carry or the fact it could be someone else's weight.  Unresolved issues can become heaviness in one's system.  If we stay unconscious of how we feel in our physical bodies, we can almost go numb and harm ourselves further.  When we are in a relationship with someone, we must be aware of how our system interacts with their system.  Perhaps they are out of balance with their issues and yet when we are around them, we ca...

World View Perspective: Compassion for closed minds

When the conditioning of the closed mind refuses to open, to consider, to contemplate, to realize that more beyond it exists, it effectively prevents the Heart from opening.  It captures the whole system in some kind of downward tumble of unacceptable options that would begin to transform one's human system into a much more receivable position.  It is like slamming the door shut because we fear the wind outside when, in fact, it is a healthy breeze that will blow stagnation away. The closed mind can become so righteous that any hint the Heart is stronger will freeze it shut for long periods of time.  So deep in its refusal, it only grows more convinced it should remain shut.  If an old thinking pattern exists in the system, no matter how unhealthy or harmful it has been, once the mind is closed, opening it again to let the sunshine of illumination in can become problematic.  The Compassion found in the High Heart is a mechanism that opens even the...

World View Perspective: The Essence of presence

When we realize our High Heart exists, we realize this inner presence is the essence of who we are.  We realize we are not separate from it because it is our center; it is our life.  It is our true relationship, linking us to the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy.  It is that Essence that is the very creation of life.  It is the true heart beat of a living Presence.  In a human form, we are able to accomplish so much.  We have a mind, body, an ability to speak, to love, to do many things; seemingly all at once.  Yet, going deeper within, we can access a deeper connecting truth; an awareness, a consciousness, a light that allows us the deepest connection, a relationship to the essence of presence.  The guidance that comes from the High Heart allows us, invites us to surrender our personal self to the experience and knowledge of the expanded Self.  This expanded Self is the awareness itself that everything is energy, including us...

World View Perspective: Opening our hearts and minds

When we consciously open our High Heart to our own personal heart and mind, Love can fill us with a true sense of positive connection and a sense of true unity.  We experience a True Heart Union with Love itself, which is the strongest, most transformative force on the planet.  The Love found in our High Heart connects us to earth, to each other, to the Universe and the Cosmic realm.  We can literally vibrate with the whole creation as well as consciously clear blocks and locks from the past.  Everything is energy and so everything vibrates with energy.  When we focus on the most positive energy we are and we have, it will resonate with everything else that is similar.  The Law of Attraction says that when we lift our own energy and vibration, we attract similar vibrations towards us.  If Love as a pure force on earth and within us vibrates with the Force of Love itself, then as we choose to consciously, actively open our Heart to that Love, 'as above,...

World View Perspective: Understanding and embracing our true nature

Understanding our true nature allows us to be true to our self first.  When we know the Love we carry in our own highest Heart and we embrace that Love within us, that inner Compassion for all we have been as well as who we are, enables our true nature to shine.  A relationship, a connection and a deeper inner knowingness ensues and a natural process of collaboration with Love itself begins.  When we expand our High Heart to include Love for all aspects of our human nature by forgiving the past injustices and unconscious choices we made in our previous moments, perhaps lacking maturity at the time, we understand the process of 'Letting go and letting God.'  In our deepest Heart of Hearts, that is the point and purpose of our life here.  We are here to understand what is deep in our Heart and soul.  To embrace it, become it and allow it to heal us completely.  That Force of Love is who we really are because it is cosmic and universal energy an...