World View Perspective: Transforming our sense of worth
As the seasons come and go, and our human self and spiritual self evolve, our sense of self must also evolve. Within our life circumstances, throughout our ages or stages, there may have been periods of low to no self worth or sense of value. Perhaps some stuck old sense of self in relationship to true worth and value that became stuffed away somewhere, not yet resolved. As we seek for greater and greater understanding of how to make shifts and changes, becoming more Heart based, we realize we can offer up old stuck identifications of worth too. Anything stuck in our system can be offered up to be released and eased, setting in motion fresh new openings of possibilities. See it like a boulder wedged in a stream. It is literally in the way of a greater movement of water. When the large rock is removed, given up, released, the path is clear for a new flow of energy. Our human system works the same way. Any aspect of us that blocks...