World View Perspective: Higher Perception

When our lives are overwhelmed with responsibilities and duties to others, it is easy to forget that inner and outer balance within ourselves matter too.  When we can take time out to listen to our own heart and soul in the stillness of life, we remember why we are here.  Any tightness and tension we experience in our mind or bodies can be released for peace when we surrender our need to be in control of the outcome to any action. Being true to who we are on the inside, allows us to do our outer life better with more clarity and with a greater feeling of calm. Meditation and contemplation are useful tools to invite in the stillness, which enables us to put things into a truth perspective using higher thought and feeling.  Remembering all of life is energy, we remember the benefits to letting go and letting God.  Trusting God is trusting Love to guide us to the Higher Perception of Life.


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