World View Perspective: Re-evaluating who we are!
Once our Light shines within our system, anything and/or any aspect of an old sense of self can be energetically re-evaluated! Like cleaning out that old closet! Everything can be discerned in terms of fitting us or defining us in the past or fitting who we currently are! This is not just shifting and changing roles or rules but rather re-evaluating who we truly are on a different level, a deeper layer of our truth! Asking ourselves if we truly know who we are on the deeper Heart/Soul level! Allow for a moment or two of Grace to illuminate a clear picture of yourself from the depths! Choosing the most positive, illuminated perspective to shine back within you! With that brighter potential, take the time to re-evaluate your truer, clearer, more illuminated Self! As we hold that in Higher/Highest regard, we become that very image, with more of our Light, shining back! Old self-images move on like clouds on a rainy day! Just like dustin...