
Showing posts from June, 2021

WORLD VIEW PERSPECTIVE: Leaving fear behind for wholeness

We are coming out of a year of fear.  It has effectively put us on hold and prevented us from greater progress and forward motion.  It has limited family life, work life, school life and halted some key developmental growth aspects for many. And yet, it has encouraged us to stay home, care more about those we love, rethink things we were doing that we might now shift and change for our own empowerment and personal growth.  We've had to revisit survival for ourselves and for those we love and value!  As with anything in life, when we look hard enough, we can find the positive in it! One of the positive aspects of the global pandemic, we had more alone time to possibly connect to Higher aspects of ourselves!  To make time to be grateful for our lives and value what we do have on deeper levels!  Love as love is came more to the surface and caring and compassion towards those less fortunate was shown and demonstrated everywhere!  Love and kindness became e...