
Showing posts from February, 2019

World View Perspective: If God exists, why are so many people broken?

If God exists, or even the energy of wholeness exists, why are so many people broken?  Wouldn't it make sense that we can just take those aspects out of us and replace them with the Light of wholeness and poof . . . all is well again?  In theory we can but in practice it will take time and vigilance.   We have a human system with so many components and aspects, along with life experiences, influences, impacts and perceptions that is difficult to keep everything clear, clean, balanced and healed, whole and happy.  Our intellect might be clear, our emotions might be a mess, our mind might be cluttered and our psychological self is happy yet how balanced will we be? If we consider that we have our ego self and our soul self, until we know about our soul self, our ego self sets out on it's journey.  It is developed in early childhood and guided on by parents, siblings, teachers, friends, extended family, bosses and co-workers, our own children, etc., and as...

World View Perspective: Our right to be happy, healthy and in harmony with our self

Deep in our core, we have the right to feel happy, healthy and in harmony with our self.  Maybe we don't currently feel this way but we do have this most fundamental right.  Why is that?  Because deep within our core, we carry the Light of Divine, which connects us to the great Cosmic Soul. Our individual soul gets covered up in this world while we go through so many levels and layers of growth, development and change on all levels; intellectual, mental, emotional, physical, psychological, sexual and social experiences throughout our lifetimes!  We all have a path and a purpose and until that is uncovered and discovered, we must continue on our way, going through whatever is in our way as we continue to learn who we are! We can store a lot of memories in our human systems, many that we forget about or would have no idea what we stored away or why.  We can go years without acknowledging these exist.  Yet, when our health is affected, impacted or effected...

World View Perspective: Applying Faith to fear, an inner dialogue

Fears get stuck in our human systems because we are taught to hide them at all costs.  We literally file them away into our organs, our thoughts, our feelings and even deep into our cells.  We protect them from peering eyes, worried that others will think less of us, worried that we'll be seen as inadequate, less capable, not valued, wanted, seen or heard if we should reveal any sign of weakness.  To dislodge these trapped fears, one needs to apply inner Faith. Faith can be imagined as a sense of clear and clean pure bright Light.  Faith can be experienced as pure Trust in that Light as guiding us from an inner place of awareness.  When Faith guides our well being, we can surrender any and all fears to our inner Faith and they will dissipate.  'Fear knocked on the door, Faith answered and no one was there'. (Author Unknown) Giving voice to our fears and trusting our own inner Faith is listening, is one way to activate our own inner dialogue.  To fe...