
Showing posts from July, 2017

World View Perspective: We are not human misery

Our human system and memory can hold onto any and all pain we have received in any lifetime, whether it is real or imagined.  It can fester and grow, manifesting itself in other ways unless we become conscious that we are not our human systems; we are not human misery.  We can transform, transmute and transcend the human misery and our reaction and identification to it.  We can access Compassion and LOVE for our system and all it has gone through through forgiveness, understanding and Grace found in our heart of HEARTS! Our human misery is a collection of past experiences and moments that are not current, unless we allow them to be who we think and feel we are.  Our lower human nature can stay reactive, sensitive, combative, argumentative and negative for a long, long time without us even being conscious of it.  It is like a stagnant pond that has been abandoned and now is toxic.  Until or unless someone takes the time, energy and effort to clean it and c...

World View Perspective: Remembering our LIGHT sets us free

When we think we are limited to just our mind and physical body only, we can become quite bogged down by life.  It is like being in a trapped, closed system that can't let anything new in or old out.   By remembering our Spirit and how it is connected to and a reflection of Light, Love and COMPASSION itself, we set free any trouble locked into our limited sense of self. Imagine it like a beam of Pure White Light that can and will pierce any clouds of doubt or darkness that may surround you.  See it consciously, actively coming towards you to open up a space of LOVE, LIGHT and JOY into any confusion you are holding onto in your mind.  Feel the heaviness lifting and in that freed up space, feel a sense of PURE JOY and Freedom of HAPPIER, MORE POSITIVE THOUGHTS! Have a sense of the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies taking away any and all energy that may be obstructing your view of the Purity that surrounds you daily, whether you know it is there or no...