World View Perspective: Forgiving our own human nature
If we were to look into our own Heart, we would see and feel a deep and abiding LOVE. Deep in that LOVE we would find a deep forgiveness for our self and all others. That depth of LOVE within is surrounded by understanding. What our Heart understands is we have many levels and layers to get through on our way to deeply understanding our human condition, nature and situation. Yes, there are pitfalls, distractions, confusion, troubling situations and deceptions along the way that throw us all off course. A bit like a mind field that creates illusions and a sense of safety that might not actually be there or might be there hiding! We might apply our greatest intelligence to any situation and still trip and fall right into the middle of things. Human nature is not perfect! Human nature is not always ideal. Human nature is not without unconsciousness. Yet, it is in our very humanness that we have the most amazing possibilities and potential...