World View Perspective: Emotional Joy shining Infinite Love
When we understand that our emotional self is like a clear pond, filled with joyful, happy life energy that can become tainted, convoluted or polluted as we grow and develop, then we can also realize that we can empty it, clean it and cleanse it any time we want or need to. We can flush it clear again and restore it with fun, wonderful, delightful, exciting new energy. We do not need to hold onto any and all old, stagnant energy that has been hurtful or harmful throughout our lifetime. Where do we get this fresh, new, transforming energy? By recognizing who we are and remembering our True Self and our True Substance. We are not separate from the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy. We can use and draw down this Higher Love and use it as a hose to fill our empty, cleaned out pond with fresh new, positive energy at any time we feel out of balance. Imagine you are standing outside, staring down into your inner emotional pond. What you see in...