World View Perspective: When the mind is unsure, the Heart can bring clarity
Our human mind has many capabilities, skills, talents, ways of perceiving and overall intelligence. It allows us to function well in the world and solve problems, dilemmas and find, develop and apply ways of fixing most things. However, there are also higher functions that our human heart is also capable of repairing, replenishing, improving and sustaining. When our mind becomes confused, stressed, strained, drained or bogged down, meditation or contemplation gives us the chance to listen to our own heart. Our heart feels our distress, of course, and it can also help us review what has happened, although using another means and process. Our human heart is connected to our Higher Heart and it is our Higher Heart that is very wise. It is wise because our human heart is connected to our Higher Heart, which is always in contact with Love Itself. Infinite Love is a real and active Consciousness that allows us to expand our kno...