World View Perspective: When the personal self trusts the Cosmic Soul
The personal self can unconsciously, subconsciously hold onto negativity and old stuffed stuck hurts, disappointments and angry resentments, lasting a lifetime. It can even turn in on itself, creating and generating more confusion, self-doubt, blame and shame. Further, it can do this without even knowing it. Until or unless the personal self realizes it can open that hidden domain to a much Higher, more Loving energy of feeling and healing. The Great Cosmic Soul, or Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy, is the Loving, Compassionate Universal, Cosmic Force that we are never separate from because it is impossible to be. That Loving Force knows us, is within us and surrounds us daily, moment to moment, breath to breath. The Great Cosmic Soul does not want us to suffer. The Great Cosmic Soul simply asks us to trust and to surrender all the blocks, locks and shocks our human system may be holding onto and consciously surrender them to that Pur...