
Showing posts from April, 2016

World View Perspective: When the personal self trusts the Cosmic Soul

The personal self can unconsciously, subconsciously hold onto negativity and old stuffed stuck hurts, disappointments and angry resentments, lasting a lifetime.  It can even turn in on itself, creating and generating more confusion, self-doubt, blame and shame.  Further, it can do this without even knowing it.  Until or unless the personal self realizes it can open that hidden domain to a much Higher, more Loving energy of feeling and healing.  The Great Cosmic Soul, or Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy, is the Loving, Compassionate Universal, Cosmic Force that we are never separate from because it is impossible to be.  That Loving Force knows us, is within us and surrounds us daily, moment to moment, breath to breath.  The Great Cosmic Soul does not want us to suffer.  The Great Cosmic Soul simply asks us to trust and to surrender all the blocks, locks and shocks our human system may be holding onto and consciously surrender them to that Pur...

World View Perspective: Understanding the Cosmic Soul

' Love it all, Forgive it all, Thank you, God'!  Within the vibration of this mantra are words that speak to the Cosmic Soul.  Our lives are set up to yearn to learn and to develop abilities and skills to sustain and maintain life.  We are given a drive to thrive and survive yet behind it all lives the great Cosmic Soul. Another name for it is the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy.  Cosmic Soul is a more succinct name yet it is the vibration and truth of Infinite Pure Love and Pure Energies. To remember who we really are is the ultimate practice to follow.  Some call it following their Heart!  In Truth, it is through our Highest Heart and indwelling soul, that we connect to the Cosmic Soul.   The Cosmic Soul can communicate through our High Heart and guide us to and through our process of overall development.  When we collaborate with Cosmic Consciousness, it guides us perfectly and well, even though it ...

World View Perspective: Self-Love, Self-Acceptance and breathing in gratitude

If we were viewed from on high, we might see our devotion, our love, our loyalties and our hard work but it is likely we wouldn't see true Self-Love, true Self-acceptance or how truly grateful we are to be living our life.  These might seem like slight matters versus all the common human aspects of life that continue to sustain our life, however, that is not the case. If we imagine an Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies standing with us in life and, through the Infinite Being's eyes, we see any negative self-images that are still in effect, what would we imagine is correct?  We should hold on tightly to those stuck old emotions or consider, through Love, there is something much more positive possible to replace them?  Can we imagine that the Infinite Being would give us the opportunity to release the hold of the old stuck emotions, let go of any negative images of our self and breathe in easier?  In truth, it only makes sense. Forgiveness...

World View Perspective: Saying 'Yes' to our core Self

When we repeat the word and vibration of 'Yes', into our core Self and recognize who we are and who we aren't, amazing shifts and changes start to occur.  As we grow and develop both through human and spiritual development, we hit snags, frustrations, slowed progress and impatience with ourselves and others.  We can easily turn that on ourselves, loved ones, friends or whoever we feel did the injustice.  When that happens, we send negative signals to our mental, psychological and emotional selves, who can hold onto those negative signals for a very long time as well as send that negative response to others too.  This back and forth negativity to our self or others creates a negative vibration that ends up being quite hurtful and harmful if left unchecked.  If it is too painful, we can literally 'harbor' those old stuck thoughts and feelings too long in our system.  They become resentments and then we can really become stuck.  Over time, when ...

World View Perspective: Trusting our inner truth

Truth lives in the core of who we are and when we seek to understand it, we can have it revealed to us.  We can receive prompts that alert us to when we are in falsehood, such as denial, and with sincere depth of questioning, we can see the truth through the falsehood.  It is a feeling that something is or has been false and it is now becoming real and genuine.  A real feeling will reveal itself to us and we will know and understand it.  We may not be able to articulate it, express it, speak of it or even write of it but down deep we will realize it and recognize it.  At the core of us, we understand this and, with effort, patience and consistency, we do learn to trust it.  We may have been programmed to not hear our inner truth or we may have been frightened by it in the past.  Consequently, we don't believe in it or turn to it when we have sincere questions.  Yet, our inner truth is a dependable intelligence that we can summon, as needed, a...