World View Perspective: Finding our deepest Joy
Finding our deepest Joy is accessing or remembering who we really are within. We are 'knot' anxiety, we are 'knot' worry, we are 'knot' fear, we are 'knot' the past and we are 'knot' unhappiness. We may experience those things throughout our human life from time to time but, in truth, we are 'knot' any of those negative thoughts and emotions that can prevent us from going higher in consciousness. They actually distract us, bog us down and confuse us into operating as if the world is a negative place. Our life force is the same as the universal and cosmic life force. At the core of that life force is Joy as a living and Loving Force. That Joy is within us at all times. We just have to remember that and consciously work to access it. Joy in being alive matters, Joy in breathing in and out matters, Joy in knowing Love matters too. Forgiveness and gratitude are energies to work with and allow into our lives. Th...