
Showing posts from 2016

World View Perspective: Our inner searchlight

When we understand we effectively hold an inner searchlight in our Heart/Soul Self within us, we can consciously use that tool and intention to shine our Light in all directions, making sure it shines a light within us first!   Imagine a brilliant, loving gold or yellow Light within you that can shine up to you from within, illuminating any shadows, self-doubt, sorrow or pain. Feel it within your own lower belly self.  It is filled with Loving, positive, glowing, self-love and self-acceptance energy, the kind that never slows down or becomes extinguished.   Allow that Light to fill you from the core with a deep sense of Love, Belonging and Acceptance in the world. Once you feel full of that LIGHT, with positive intention and attention, direct that Light backwards towards your past.  Watch it illuminate your past and fill it with positive LIGHT and Love, even gratitude!  Let the Love and Light shower you in your past with a golden hue, filling you with remark...

World View Perspective: The Cosmic Consciousness of Self Love

To accept our selves completely, we have to free up the past and literally get passed it.  Self judgment and self loathing might be old tapes running inside us but they are simply that and not the truth.    Any negative, old or stuck poor self-images need to be eradicated from our system and our memory and re-energized!   As we go through life, no one really teaches us how to be clear about ourselves, let alone keep our human system clean and clear!  Energy forms around us everyday, very similar to dust that gathers on our furniture.  If we don't keep it dusted off on a regular schedule, we can't assume we will keep our furniture clean. When we seek Higher Love and Higher Guidance, it does answer us.  Cosmic Consciousness is always there, we just have to remember it is really who we are so we can ask for all the help and guidance it affords us.  One of the aspects of Cosmic Consciousness is that at all times, it LOVES us complet...

World View Perspective: 'Popping the pimple' of the past!

As we grow, mature and develop, we have human experiences that hurt us and/or harm us on some levels and layers, effecting and impacting, who we are. Maybe they are slight offenses between two people, major betrayals of trust by those we love or an ongoing sense of being rejected, unwanted or completely dismissed and left out.  Perhaps they affect us physically, emotionally, psychologically, mentally or intellectually.  In any case, we can hold in the actual feeling of what happened to us for fear it will happen again or might always happen.  After years of holding in the pain, confusion, resulting anger, even to the point of self-hate, we can forget it is even there. We can effectively and efficiently, hide our self from our self. Until or unless, we have it revealed to our self by our self or someone else says or does something to trigger it.  Then that old stuck stuff can begin to pulsate into an angry response, enough to torch a small town!  Why has this hap...

World View Perspective: The Cosmic Call

Aspiration is the great inner call to know the truth.  When we truly aspire to know and grow beyond what we know is true, the Great Cosmic Soul responds. When we aspire to know the Love within our own heart and soul, the Infinite Love responds.  It is like a great echo going out to find itself and respond in kind.   If we imagine a great Cosmic Being that wants to awakening those with enough courage to listen, how would it respond, why would it respond and how would we be certain? We would realize we aren't alone.  We would feel our hearts fill with such LOVE, JOY and PRESENCE, literally lifting our energy higher.  Forgiving the past and all people would be effortless, seeing the common good in us all would be refreshing, the higher and higher energies of expanded intelligence would be easily accessed and best of all, we would remember who we are! We would remember we are never truly separate from this beautiful LOVING FORCE within us.  We would remem...

World View Perspective: We are not the 'knots' of family

When we grow and develop within the confines of family, we are taught and shown who we are and who we are not.  Part of the job of our parents is to teach us boundaries so we can control our selves and behave in acceptable ways.  To fit in socially, behaviorally and with self confidence.  Consequently, we can succeed as we continue our growth and development through all the ages and stages.  It is a workable system, except if our parents are limited in the scope of their own development.  In that case, they can only teach us, show us and demonstrate those same limitations. In other words, if they are 'knotted' up, unable to express emotions, unable to express affection or unable to show love, tenderness or compassion to us, we might 'knot' realize we are still able to love and be loved.  We can unconsciously, subconsciously develop those same knots and consequently, become closed down too. Maybe we can't forgive ourselves, maybe we limit the rest of our...

World View Perspective: Emotional Joy shining Infinite Love

When we understand that our emotional self is like a clear pond, filled with joyful, happy life energy that can become tainted, convoluted or polluted as we grow and develop, then we can also realize that we can empty it, clean it and cleanse it any time we want or need to.  We can flush it clear again and restore it with fun, wonderful, delightful, exciting new energy.  We do not need to hold onto any and all old, stagnant energy that has been hurtful or harmful throughout our lifetime.   Where do we get this fresh, new, transforming energy?  By recognizing who we are and remembering our True Self and our True Substance.  We are not separate from the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy.  We can use and draw down this Higher Love and use it as a hose to fill our empty, cleaned out pond with fresh new, positive energy at any time we feel out of balance. Imagine you are standing outside, staring down into your inner emotional pond. What you see in...

World View Perspective: We are not human toxicity

Our human systems may hold onto age old problems, age old memories and age old stuck places but no matter what, we are not human toxicity.  We are far more than that and in our highest Heart, we know that LOVE is the Highest attainment we can all achieve.  Why is Love the Highest?  Because LOVE is the real deal of all of life.  Our Highest imagination can picture an Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy, radiant with a LOVE so grand, it dulls everything else in it's shadow and transforms everything possible.  The Cosmic and Universal LOVE is within our own very HEART of HEARTS and it is this LOVE that brought us all into BEING.  We are truly all BEINGS of LOVE and LIGHT. As we go through our human life experience, we must see our bodies, minds and outer coatings as costumes we are wearing in the 'play of life'.  Whatever we chose to be, carry, vibrate towards or resonate with in this life, including our sex, our family, our children our our loc...

World View Perspective: Inner truth with outer truth is positive self-esteem

When we know who we are because we have lived out who we are not and we seek a deeper truth, the link between the inner sense of self and the outer sense of self is through our true positive self-esteem.  So true a positive self-esteem that no one and no thing can possibly penetrate it.  It comes from an inner 'knowing' that enables our more truthful self to be who we are because that is who we are!  That sense of not Being separate from the bigger picture and consequently, we know we are truly connected. Imagine it like you have swallowed the sun and it is glowing in your belly.  It contains the sun itself and no one or no thing can pop it or deflate it because it is yours; inside and outside.  It is your own spark of sunlight that glows as you glow and it's shine is always yours, no matter what! When we can welcome in, invite in and allow in this level of Light through Self-Love and Self Acceptance, there is no one or no thing that can distract from the po...

World View Perspective: Positive thoughts, feelings and action

If forgiveness and gratitude are two powerful ways to begin the healing process and connect deeper to the Highest Love we are capable of receiving and experiencing within us, then it stands to reason the result will be positive thoughts, positive feelings and positive action in every day life.  The current moment is where our value actually lies.  Our Joy can be present with us when we are in a positive state of thoughts, feelings and actions. Obtaining this state takes mindfulness and determination, along with awareness of where our Consciousness is at all times.  Our greatest Consciousness is inherently positive because our True Connection and Unity to the Great Cosmic Soul only vibrates to the Highest Most Positive Energy there is; UNION WITH THE INFINITE BEING OF PURE LOVE AND PURE ENERGY!  There is nothing Higher than knowing who we are in that fuller context.  Joy is the result. Negative thoughts, feelings and actions are primarily the ego and the disa...

World View Perspective: To find your True Self, you must know your true feelings

We have within us a True Self; a Self that knows.  It goes beyond our personality, our current development, what we have studied and learned and how people define us.  Our True Self is aware of what is True and we connect with it through knowing our true feelings.   For example, we may be sitting at a table with long time friends or family, celebrating an event.  No matter how many cheers, toasts or smiles there are, we may be feeling distant, not welcomed, rejected or ignored and not openly realize it is coming from those around us, towards us.  It could also be coming from us.  If we are aware, we realize that the smiles or nods may really house anger, disrespect, old hurts and anger.  When we know what we are really feeling, we can transform our own emotions and those emotional responses from others with a Higher Love and Wisdom, a Higher Perspective that cancels out the other feelings.  This takes awareness, however, and Self-Knowledge. Ou...

World View Perspective: We are Light and Light can heal us

When we recognize and realize we are all essentially Light and that expanded Light we are can heal us, we know energy is our Intelligence.  Our link and relationship to the Cosmic Consciousness is our expanded Consciousness.  See it like a giant web of Light surrounding us, all around us.  Imagine layers and levels of Light that go way beyond our limited physical body and mind, and in the layers and levels, there are pathways of Intelligence that connect us to the unlimited Cosmic Consciousness Itself.   When we unite with the Light Itself, that very Consciousness can be brought down to and through us as a positive tool of transformation for our own human system to recognize, realize and release what no longer serves us.  When that space is opened again, more Consciousness can fill it, lifting our whole system much Higher and making it much Lighter! This healing aspects is within us just as the Cosmic Consciousness is within us. We just have to remember who we...

World View Perspective: Our Joy is Infinite Joy

Joy is at the core of our Being.  Joy is a spiritual, present and inherent energy that uplifts us, inspires us and frees us to be ourselves.  It is deeply connected to the Infinite Spirit that moves to us and through us.  Joy is Spirit in an active, present life force for our benefit.  Joy is that part of us that keeps us involved, engaged and excited about life.  Joy is a surrender to Spirit because it is spiritually based.  Joy remembers who we are and it is the perfect guide for getting us there.  Whatever it is we find Joy in, that is what we should seek because when we seek Joy, Joy finds us and takes us higher to greater Joy. If we deeply consider the Great Cosmic Soul and it's Consciousness that is inherent to us because ultimately, it is us, Joy in that awareness takes our life force energy and lifts it oh so much higher!  See it as a great Cosmic chord of Pure Energy.  As it is plucked from a great expansive height, so the same tun...

World View Perspective: The Force of LOVE is also Self-Love

The Force of LOVE is as connected to us as our own self-love.  Not just a separate self love but the LOVE of ONE SELF as we all express it.  Yet to our core, this same LOVE is also present.  Any locks or blocks in this regard can be shifted by realizing LOVE is the ever constant Force in the Universe and it is manifesting to us and through us at all times.  What gets in the way is usually ego-based, which can be holding onto age old resentments, grievances, anger, deep hurt or frustrations that have not yet been forgiven and released. Love of our True Self can and does release all the age old energy blocks that prevent us from this full realization and better connection to the big and vast picture of life and our part in it.  Our True Heart Soul Self is LOVE itself as it manifests and expresses itself.   If we imagine our smallest sense of self, perhaps even feeling it as our 'charcoal of the soul' self, and imagine it saying over and over, for example,...

World View Perspective: When we know who we are, there will be Peace

Assuming we are limited to just our own mind and body is what makes life more challenging.  Our ego takes control and that guides us as if we are all separate. When we realize we have many more capabilities than that, we also realize our expanded Light and Love can reach everyone's Love and Light, making us One. On those levels and layers of awareness, we are able to be the LOVE, LIGHT and PEACE because we know we are not separate from that that is LOVE, LIGHT and PEACE. Simple in concept but difficult in practice.  Yet if and when we know who we truly are, we wouldn't hurt or hate or judge anyone but rather understand they are on their own path and their circumstances are as they are to support that path.  We would begin to realize that discernment matters as does the integration of wholeness as we also remember our Heart Soul Self. In human awareness, as we grow and develop, we go through many challenges finding out who we are as a person, as a personality and how w...

World View Perspective: Our inner worth and value

When we think of worth and value, we tend to think in terms of material wealth, either accrued, currently building or all the ways we can enhance our earning potential, now or in the future.  It is only one measure of one's worth and value. There is also a measure of one's inner worth and value.  It is about our inner understanding about who we are and how much Love and Faith we carry in our hearts of Hearts.  It also has to do with our inner relationship to a much Higher expression of LOVE, COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING. If we think in terms of Cosmic Consciousness as our personal link and connection to the Infinite Force of LOVE, for example, we can develop a deeper, more meaningful inner relationship to that level of awareness and consciousness as we gain a broader understanding of the True Nature of things. This is ultimately about remembering who we are after going through many, many cycles of realizing and experiencing who we are not.  An aspect of our lives...

World View Perspective: Getting past the fear of the past

We are here to yearn to learn in order to discern, both on the human plane and the spiritual plane.  It is natural for us to seek growth, expansion and determination to broaden out our perspective.  Yet, as we move on from one aspect of us and our learning to the next phase, sometimes we are held very far back.  Despite all our best efforts, we can not make any genuine headway. There might be the subtlest of reasons, almost a hidden prevention happening that literally blocks our own progress.  The more than likely culprit is fear.  Fear can have a grip on us that is tightly held, with or without our knowledge. Perhaps it is a small, nonchalant fear or it could be a giant fear that has dogged us all our life. More than likely it is a fear based on something that affected our system in the past.  It had a negative or fearful impact way back when and because it went undetected, it has grown into a much bigger more dominating fear, perhaps still unrealized. ...

World View Perspective: The horrible sense of the failed self

A young boy once asked his grandfather about human nature.  The grandfather responded, "In every human being we contain two wolves.  One wolf is loving, caring, compassionate and kind the other wolf is mean, angry, resentful, negative and fearful."  The young boy asked but which one are we.  The grandfather answered, "We are the one we feed"!  Author Unknown The deepest darkest part of us has forgotten it, too, is Light and Love.  It feels separate, left out, lonely, forgotten about and maybe even deserted.  If this aspect of us has tried and tried to excel, succeed, achieve something important or stood out in some way and failed, they might begin to give up and feel terrible.  Deep within this sense of a failed self there will be rage, deep frustration and a possible shutting down of who they are or could be.  Growing in that darkness with less and less light, the bitterness and resentment could become quite developed until lashing out is ...

World View Perspective: Minds divide, Hearts unite

In the ego mind of mankind, there is division.  In the human mind, we see ourselves as separate beings because of our individual physical bodies.  This perspective creates duality and separateness.  It creates a 'mine versus yours' thinking, which divides people.  Viewed through the Heart, there is Unity and joint efforts.  A divided community can harm it's citizens, whereas a united city can bring people together. Through the Collective Heart, we realize the Light in each other and that everyone makes up the whole.  Through the Heart there is more acceptance, understanding, Compassion and tolerance.  It makes it easier to generate, create and reinforce positive relations.  People have so much more in common than not, which is easier to accept through the Heart. So many of our human goals are the same.  Survival, family, friends, food, clothing, community, education, joys, sorrows, connection and endurance.  No matter where in the wo...

World View Perspective: The art of forgiveness and letting go

When our system, at any point in our lives, is affected, effected or infected with energy that hurts or harms us, we tend to shut down as a means to protect ourselves from more damage.  To open those aspects of ourselves to live our lives again can feel counter-intuitive and yet surrendering them to our own Higher Love is exactly what we should do.  Love expands everything and opens us to a much higher, more fulfilling experience of life.  Fear, on the other hand, shuts us down from any and all other possibilities, opportunities or new experiences that might be just the right thing for us to grow and learn more about who we are inside.  Whether our negative experiences were received and perceived through the mind, physical body, emotional body, psychological self or even through our spiritual selves, we can consciously, actively surrender those blocks and locks to the greater LOVE that we are within our own HEARTS!  We can open again and stand stronger ag...

World View Perspective: Our Heart Soul Self

When wisdom replaces fear and trust replaces concern and when truth isn't so scary, we can feel more aligned with our Heart Soul Self.  We have many dimensions to us, some explored and known and some aspects that are still undiscovered.  Deep within resides our Heart Soul Self and it is the One who knows.  That part of us knows the Truth and, in particular, knows our Truth.  That aspect of who we are knows Love in a Higher form and it knows when we are aligned with our greater Truth.  It guides us to greater and greater understandings that bring us moments of illumination.  Our Heart Soul Self can reveal anything and everything we need to see, be aware of and respond to as needed. All aspects of being in a human system have their own value and worth and enable us to express ourselves in many ways.  They enable us to explore who we are and how we function and how we express different aspects of our personalities and experiences.  When we acc...

World View Perspective: Clear the fear

When we trust in the Highest Love and Light we carry within our Highest Heart of Hearts, we realize we can 'clear the fear' through that incredible relationship with Love Itself.  Love lifts the fear that becomes locked or blocked in our human system.  Love shows us what is possible.  Love also attracts even more Love, which only enhances more Love around it!  Fear is a natural part of life and often it is wise to listen to any real fears to offset them and to feel safe again. Yet some fears can get caught in our minds, emotions, psychological or physical bodies and then we simply become reactive to them as if they are real instead of work to clear and release them. Faith is also a great energy to use to shift the fear to something much more positive.  If we are going to drive a long distance, for example, and we are becoming fearful about the drive, if we apply our faith in making our destination safely and on time, we have a greater chance in accomplishing t...