
Showing posts from November, 2015

World View Perspective: Fear grips, Love releases

To be in a human system, means fear is also a real presence.  Living and life are cherished and treasured things, just like when we breathe in and out and our heart beats.  The idea or concern about our lives ending or being threatened activates strong fear based emotions down to the level of fearing for our very survival.  Living and not living can become genuinely felt experiences that can consume our thinking.  Yet, if that level of fear grips our system too hard for too long, it can send us spiraling into a very dark place where we lose all sight of living life through Faith. We have reasons to be here on earth, to be with those we love and to work towards uncovering our true self and purpose here.  It is based on Love, Faith, Truth and Understanding Life.  There have been some very brave six year old children who have only lived six years but they have had a huge positive impact on our lives.  Listening to them, one hears their level of Faith...

World View Perspective: Emerging from fear

If our ultimate goal on earth is to overcome fear, we must first understand how to discern fear from Love.  When we are in fear, we contract, pull away, retreat, hide, become small, narrow and closed.  When we are in Love, we expand, grow, willingly shift, change, extend and open.  We are happier, lighter and joy filled whereas when we are in fear, we carry that heavy burden of dread, worry and fret and it literally weighs us down.  The greatest way back to Love is by accessing Faith.  Faith in life, Faith in Love and Faith in our ultimate connection to the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy.  Being true to our deepest sense of Love and to our self, unites us with the greatest Force and Source on earth.  Love is the greatest Energy there is; human love, love of earth, Divine Love, Universal Love and Cosmic Love can and do Unite as ONE LOVE to us and through us and that is our ultimate goal here.  To become that living Love....

World View Perspective: The Heart unites, fear of separation divides

Within our collective Heart, there is true Unity.  We are all United through Love that links us directly to the Source and Force of Love itself.  When our separate ego-minds take hold of any situation, we do not see or feel Unity, we see and feel separate.  Anger, fear, rage, revenge and resentment live in the ego-mind's sense of separation.  When we aspire to know ourself through the Higher Heart of Compassion, Love and Truth, a greater strength of Infinite Grace connects with us and we are naturally inspired to expand our Heart, Compassion and Understanding.  This is the true road to Peace.  Peace cannot come through a divided intention.  Peace cannot come through actions of hatred or fear.  Peace cannot come when there is so much negative division. The Source and Force of Love is in the domain of the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy.  It is a Light of Life, Love and True Understanding, seeking Goodness, Balance, Grace and Peac...

World View Perspective: Going into the Source of Positivity

No matter the mind's frustrations, the ego's resistance, our old programming, conditioning, habits or routines, there is always a Source of Positivity within us at all times.  It might just come to us in whispers, a gut feeling, a moment of intuitive thought, mystical feeling or psychic perception but it is always there.  It is there in our own High Heart and deepest core feeling.  It is the resounding, 'Y.E.S.' and reason for life, Love and the true freedom of both outside our narrow thinking and feeling base.  It is ok, in fact, encouraged to go beyond our limited thoughts and feelings to know our expanded intelligence and awareness of who we really are within.  To know we are not the 'smaller' negative thoughts but rather we are able to know our greater sense of self too. Imagine a wide, wider and widest circle of Light, extending beyond our boundaries into ever increasing Circles of Light.  Understand these circles of     light as Universal ...