
Showing posts from May, 2015

World View Perspective: Opening our system to Light

With true aspiration, when we consciously open our system to Light,  we welcome in the collaborative force of Love.  The Highest Love we can imagine becomes a force of positive collaboration and with that Highest Love, we can heal any and all of our human aspects.  Think of it like entering a mansion with many rooms that perhaps have been previously torn up or neglected.  Nothing is in a positive, healthy, current order so now, by adding conscious Light into it and a willingness to open to change, new efforts can be made to transform it.  We are the same as the mansion.  We can be renovated, made new, rejuvenated and renewed with the Force of Love itself.  In our Highest Heart, we can truly welcome Love and Compassion into our life to Lovingly work to clear out the old and restore our own vitality.  It take tremendous Faith and true aspiration to move our self forward into a more harmonious state of Love, Compassion and fulfillment.  For...

World View Perspective: Understanding beyond the mind

When we choose to meditate, contemplate or sit in silence, quieting our mind, we are choosing to go beyond our thinking ego mind.  If we are too identified with our mind, this can sound like a frightening prospect.  The mind would like us to think it is a frightening concept because then we won't do it.  However, what the mind won't tell us is that it has many, many ways to distract.  One of the favorites is to keep us living in the past and the other is worrying about and projecting into the future.  When we allow our mind to take us to either the past or the future, we are not conscious of the current now moment, which, in truth, is the only place where we actually are present.  Positive change happens in the present moment.  It happens in the now because only the 'now' exists.  Being conscious of the now, keeps our focus here and then releasing the mind's distractions becomes easier.  It has been said, that when we sit silently, we ca...

World View Perspective: Revitalizing our emotional nature

The sensitivities in our human nature can make life experience's painful for a long, long time.  So much happens over a life time to our emotional nature.  If we see it like a pond with fluidity and true feelings, we see how necessary it becomes to protect it.  It is a vulnerable aspect of our self that can be affected and infected as well as effected by a myriad of things from a variety of sources.  We can also store a huge amount of hurt within our emotional nature and not understand why we don't feel any better, no matter how our life improves.  What we cling to emotionally may have happened a long time ago but it still effects us today or perhaps makes us sick or we maybe we have felt ill for a long time without realizing why.  Again, if we see it like a dense pool of liquid that can become toxic, clouded, confused or infused with too much negativity from the past, it can become more and more toxic without our conscious awareness.  The courage and ...

World View Perspective: Accepting our higher guidance

If we trust the quiet inner guidance we receive through our Heart, we are guided to and through processes that take us to our True Self.  The True Self that we really are.  We wear many disguises to get through our lifetime and all the relationships and life experience we encounter.  These disguises can be heavy, hard, fleeting, promising, worrisome or a disaster if that is what we are here to go through.  Yet as we complete the various dramas and traumas or wonderful uplifting moments, time periods and ongoing pleasures of life, we are also given the choice to surrender what we are finishing in order to continue on and grow.  It is like cleaning out our closets.  No matter how attached, identified or reactive we are to an old piece of clothing, when it is time to release it, we must let it go.  It has served it's purpose and it must move on as should we.  It is easier with clothing than it is with feelings, thoughts and relationships.  In or...

World View Perspective: We are not our system's trauma

No matter our age or stage of life, we can have moments when we feel our system's traumas, struggles and strife is who we are and therefore we react as if that is true.  It isn't really us who is reacting, it is our wounded self instead.  Like a naughty child, it must have it's voice and behavior.  It is pulling for the attention of others or wanting their sympathy, empathy or compassion.  When we look deeper within our own highest Heart, and accept there is an Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy within us, we realize through Love and Compassion, those physical, emotional, psychological traumas can be lifted off of us.  When some people have a disease in their system, they call it 'theirs'. They effectively own it. They effectively, energetically can make it become a part of themselves.  Then it is themselves who is living with that disease or illness.  Yet, if we realize that we are the energy and Love within our own Heart and Soul, that makes...

World View Perspective: Letting go of what we are holding onto

Our unconscious/subconscious self has desires that it has held onto for a long, long time.  They may be very old wants and desires and not belong to current day at all.  They may be part of our history, our programming, our past life longings, goals our parents had for us or even another dream from someone else.  Yet, if any part of our system is holding onto these deep desires for itself, sometimes, we simply must let go.  Just like a child who has taken ahold of something that is not good for it.  It might want the little kitten it found but if the small cat belongs to a neighbor, the parent needs to explain to the child that the animal actually belongs elsewhere.  The child might yell, scream, fuss or pout but ultimately, they must release it.  Dreams, hopes, wishes and aspirations can become quite lofty and desires for them can become quite strong yet, not all of them are meant to actually happen in our lifetime.  If they are dreams or as...

World View Perspective: Conscious Light enters unconscious density

What is unconscious must come to light.  It is the way of things and the way of balance.  Evolution is an important aspect of life and once we embrace the force of Source in a collaborative way, the Light of consciousness will continue to penetrate into the darkness.  The intention is to purify and shift and change the resistance.  This is the way of enlightened evolution.  What is closed, in fear, clinging to the past or resisting growth and change, must be given opportunities to open, blossom and expand.  In that way, evolution is assured and further growth allowed, invited and encouraged.  When we consciously seek to grow past the past and embrace what is next with true aspiration and positive intention, Source collaborates with our system to work towards that intention.  It may not match our expectations but it will end up correct to ensure further soul growth and overall understanding.  Becoming more and more conscious is always a gift, ...

World View Perspective: When our true self forgives our false self

When we hold onto old, stuck energy, we can forget it isn't who we are.  That old pattern and vibration can stay in place and have a negative impact for a long, long time.  With our highest intention and our true aspirations, we can access a higher element to our nature that allows us to actively, truthfully forgive ourselves at our deepest level and layer.  Whatever is most disturbing to us can be Lovingly, actively forgiven and consequently released when we truly aspire to do so.  If we have been made to feel badly about something over the course of our lifetime, we can open our highest heart and, through forgiveness, let it go.  Forgiving all people who have been in our lives or who are still in our lives, frees the energy that was created and can remain if we are not diligent in cleaning it off.  When our truest self Loves and forgives all we have done or held onto, that energy begins to shift and change and it frees us to move forwa...

World View Perspective: Standing outside the structure

Structured formality has been in place a long, long time.  Monarchs, political structures, cultures, civilizations, nations, kingdoms, religions and families can agree to the rules and live by them.  It keeps people and places in tight order with predictable outcomes in place.  The imposed formal structures can stand the test of time, generation after generation.  Yet, by their very structure, it can also keep us from realizing our True sense of Self.  When we consider the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies as the guiding force of the creation, and we realize we are not separate from that union through the Heart, we realize we are not feeling as connected with who we are as we could be in truth.  In truth, when we only think or feel as if we are the limited structured self that aligns with 'structured formality', we block our own spiritual progress.  We are not buildings, bridges, formations or stuck forms, we are human beings who feel,...