World View Perspective: Opening our system to Light
With true aspiration, when we consciously open our system to Light, we welcome in the collaborative force of Love. The Highest Love we can imagine becomes a force of positive collaboration and with that Highest Love, we can heal any and all of our human aspects. Think of it like entering a mansion with many rooms that perhaps have been previously torn up or neglected. Nothing is in a positive, healthy, current order so now, by adding conscious Light into it and a willingness to open to change, new efforts can be made to transform it. We are the same as the mansion. We can be renovated, made new, rejuvenated and renewed with the Force of Love itself. In our Highest Heart, we can truly welcome Love and Compassion into our life to Lovingly work to clear out the old and restore our own vitality. It take tremendous Faith and true aspiration to move our self forward into a more harmonious state of Love, Compassion and fulfillment. For...