Fear isn't real, Faith is truth
Once the human system has known fear, it can still feel real even when it isn't. It is like a memory recall instead of a genuine threat. A force on earth that can eliminate it, cancel it and remove it is Faith. Applying conscious Faith on any fear we have, on any level we have it, allows the fear to be released and in that space more Faith comes. See it like flushing out an old stuck and rusty pipe with new piping and fresh water. What has become fearful, old and immobile is replaced with a newer, shinier substance that changes the very fabric of the previous item. This is how Faith works. Fear isn't real because it can be changed. Fear can be transformed and transmuted. Faith transforms fear into greater Faith. Lessons and learning in life, for the soul's purpose, can have fear as a mechanism and trigger for forward motion. We can choose to move out of fear into greater Faith. If we cannot see where ...