
Showing posts from April, 2015

Fear isn't real, Faith is truth

Once the human system has known fear, it can still feel real even when it isn't.  It is like a memory recall instead of a genuine threat.  A force on earth that can eliminate it, cancel it and remove it is Faith.  Applying conscious Faith on any fear we have, on any level we have it, allows the fear to be released and in that space more Faith comes.  See it like flushing out an old stuck and rusty pipe with new piping and fresh water.  What has become fearful, old and immobile is replaced with a newer, shinier substance that changes the very fabric of the previous item.  This is how Faith works.  Fear isn't real because it can be changed.  Fear can be transformed and transmuted.  Faith transforms fear into greater Faith.  Lessons and learning in life, for the soul's purpose, can have fear as a mechanism and trigger for forward motion.  We can choose to move out of fear into greater Faith.  If we cannot see where ...

World View Perspective: Practiced self love is Infinite Love

Self love can sometimes be the last thing anyone thinks about, especially those who naturally put others first.  Yet when we can love and accept ourselves for who we really are, we are best aligning our self with the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy.  Through our own deepest self forgiveness and letting go process, we are saying the old blocks and locks can go.  We are accepting our self like the force of Love is forgiveness itself.  Love is our bottom line and once that is in place, what is not love can and will go. When we accept negative human aspects as givens in our system, they can multiply and gain steam.  Soon, we can become convinced we are that negative, false, unlovable, unwanted and rejected self when, in fact, it is just the effect of negativity undoing our truthful sense of self.   Practicing self love doesn't mean everything we do is accepted but rather we learn how to discern who we are versus who we aren't.  Just breathing i...

World View Perspective: Untie from the past, unite with now

When we consciously, actively let go of the past through constant effort, we can feel the experience of union with the current moment.  We can feel connected to the higher consciousness of Love, Compassion, Grace and Joy, knowing that we cannot be separate from the Highest perspective.   Being in and experiencing life in a human form is miraculous!  Yet, through our subconscious/unconscious, we can hold onto fear of the past as if it is real in current day, although it is not!  It can just be our human nature that holds onto negative, old perceptions that block our greater growth and expansion; spiritually and physically.  To go beyond the boundaries of a limited identification of our known self, allows us to understand so much more about our true self and the true world around us!  By letting the past go, with love and positive intention, along with gratitude for it all, we are ready for what's next.  We create the fresh new opening for greater possib...

World View Perspective: Self acceptance aligns us with the bigger picture

When we understand and accept that everything is energy and our True Self expands way beyond our limited physical body, we can begin to heal our self through our clear intentions to do so.  When we have suffered too much negative treatment from others or even from our selves or gone through difficult relationships and hardships, it is easy to deny aspects of our whole self.  To align more and more clearly with our True Self, it is important to accept our self as we are.  Asking the Infinite Being for clarity and compassion towards aspects of our selves that feel locked or blocked in some way, invites and encourages the collaborative energy of Love and Love in our own High Heart to bring us what we need in order to heal.  The greatest intention and aspiration we can have is to align with the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies.  That Loving Being is who we really are within too.  It is through the action and practice of Loving self acceptance that ...

World View Perspective: In a Heart-based world, a new proposal for Peace

If we open our Hearts and Compassion to imagine a new world, positive changes seem to come.  Imagining a Peaceful world for us all, it seems perhaps fitting to suggest some changes, allowing such a world to happen.  Just one idea, as a result of looking through the Heart might be to adopt a new name for the Higher Energy that guides us, loves us and protects us.  If we were to adopt the name, "Infinite Being', known as IB, then we could begin to see IB in every human being, animal and living life form.  We wouldn't see all the current world's division between race, gender, religion or socioeconomic status.  A view of a whole world, which might allow for a greater equality to come; a better balance for us all.  If IB became our constant, our guide post, our inner mentor, than the simple message reflected back to us would be, 'bi'.  Emulate your higher energies, live life through Love and Compassion, practicing kindness and respect.  ...

World View Perspective: Collaborative Compassion in the 'now' moment

The only time we can make changes is in the 'now' moment.  It is the only time we can be conscious too.  We can look back through time to seek understanding clarity and awareness and contemplate on what is next but our only effective time for action is now.  In our High Heart, in any conscious moment, we can forgive what was done to us in the past and consciously aspire for a state of Compassion now.  Imagine the situation, the person, the place and time and through consciousness now, go back and undo what was negative, hurtful or harmful between you and the other person or people.  Imagine all the old pain and confusion being released, healed and allowed to move on.  See the Love that was there as the healing force for positive change.  Everything is energy and consequently, when we set our most positive intention to create a new fresh energetic outcome, true to its word, the positive energy can release the old negative past ties.  Our imaginatio...