
Showing posts from January, 2015

World View Perspective: Compassion heals past traumas

When any aspect in our human system is impacted in negative, hurtful, harmful manners, those effected aspects can throw our system into imbalance.  In the state of imbalance, fear can manifest and run amok as if it is a real experience in the here and now.  PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is an example of this.  A memory gets triggered and it throws a person into an operating mode of behaviors that makes the person think the trauma is happening in real time.  Once that happens, it can be difficult or impossible to pull a person back from the triggered response.  When we can access true Compassion in our own Heart, that Compassion when consciously applied to effected, impacted levels of our human aspects, that depth of Love can alter that traumatic experience into a calm and balanced state.  The inner voice of Loving reason can Lovingly convince the triggered response and area to release the pent up fear and release that old energy.  If the h...

World View Perspective: Compassion for the sense of a separated self

When we feel separate and alone from the rest of the world, we are more conscious of feeling like a separated self.  A feeling no one else would understand, hear us, show us compassion or care what we have been through and consequently how we feel as our self.  It is a sad and empty perception that takes our human conscious to very low places.  When we open our own Heart to listen to and feel the Love we carry, we begin to understand we are not, in truth, a separate self. Our true self is always connected to the higher energy that we are, which goes way beyond our limited human understanding about our self.  Most of our identifications and attachments are with our separate physical self in our physical body.  We can identify with our experiences, opinions, beliefs, past history and, of course, our fears.  When we do, we can easily feel like a separated self, standing apart from others.  The love in our Heart shows us that we are nev...

World View Perspective: Compassion for self-acceptance

The human system is very capable of holding onto old ideas about ourselves that continue to haunt, taunt, bother, consume and distract us from experiencing more of who we really are.  The past ideas, old thoughts and feelings go around and around in our minds, as if they can find resolve in that manner.  The greater and more effective way to resolve them and solve them is to offer them to the Love and Compassion in our own Heart.  Our True Heart knows exactly who we are and all that has happened in our life and especially what has affected us and had a negative or hurtful, harmful impact on our system.  In our High Heart's ability, we can know what has happened, surrender it, release it, clear it and clean it through our own inherent Love and Compassion.  Accessing that level of Love and Compassion enables us to be our own best healers.  On our way to realizing who we are, we must let go of who we aren't and we do this process through becoming aware of our ...

World View Perspective: Joy is spiritual, misery is experienced in the body

Throughout the human lifetime, we go through many cycles of conscious awareness, allowing us to experience joy and misery.  Joy is a positive, high vibration that uplifts us, expands us and allows us to feel elated and inspired.  Misery is a heaviness, spiraling downward energy that can ground us to a halt.  It weighs on us as if something is holding us down against our natural positive state of mind. When our heart is light and open with joy, we feel much more in touch with an expanded consciousness, which enhances our spirit and our life.  A joyful state of mind and being keeps us much more in touch with who we are.  Misery is a stuck, unhappy energy that makes our system dull, negative and even toxic.  We try to hide our misery in many ways often because we don't recognize it or know how to handle it or deal with it properly.  Our spirit, on the other hand, can lift that heavy burden off of us and refresh our system with the light-heartedness o...

World View Perspective: Compassion for those with no feeling

In the course of being human and receiving certain trainings or experiences in life, basic human feelings towards one's self and other human beings can be shifted, changed or altered.  A cold, hard façade can be created and generated and a great divide can occur.  This process can render one disabled from feeling any true human emotion, blocking them from a true humanitarian connection.  Without a reconnect to the humanitarian aspect, one could go along time without feeling anything.  In that sense of isolation, doing harm to others can occur more easily than with someone who realizes we are basically all in this together.  To not feel anything is not human because we are created to have compassion, understanding, awareness and a genuine ability to care about others around us, related to us or to those with whom we share a history as well as to care about our self.  To cause harm to others, we would have to be 'cut-off' from the awarenes...

World View Perspective: Changing our self-image through Faith

Maintaining all our human structures from our bodies, our homes, our finances, our relationships and our daily habits and routines can sometimes prevent us from allowing for a change in self-image.  To step into various new roles with new rules in order to establish who we are, means becoming those 'selves' in order to be successful.  The benefits are apparent in order to sustain those aspects of who we are over time.  Yet, in order to shift and change our perspectives and to broaden our view of ourselves and our lives, it may be just as important to open our minds and expand our thoughts.  When we embrace Love, Compassion and Faith, for example, and begin to connect with a larger sense of ourselves and the world, we are growing and viewing things from a much bigger place within us.  We are consciously expanding into our greater intelligence and connecting to a much more truthful sense of who we are.  In that process of greater expansion and growth, we ofte...

World View Perspective: Compassion for our greatest fear

When we search our human system for our greatest fear, we inevitably find it is the fear of not surviving.  For our physical body to perish, means we have not survived.  This fear is gripping and when we hear frightening news of any kind, we can tighten ourselves up as if it is likely to happen to us.  Yet, in our Hearts of Hearts, is a deep and abiding Compassion, which is Love at it's core.  That Love is the core of our True Nature.  When we open to that Love and to the depth of that Love, we experience the Faith we need to trust our life will be as it needs to be.  We will trust we are held in that Love and as long as we have Faith in Love as a Universal, Cosmic Force, we will be safely and Lovingly guided to where we need to be when.  We are not just our human physical bodies, we are, in fact, energy that expands much higher and broader than the known limitations of our own known body.  If we can imagine spaces of Light and energy al...

World View Perspective: Fear binds us, Faith sets us free

When we open our Hearts to Compassion for ourselves and others, we see that fear is the bondage that prevents human beings from moving on.  Fear can live in any part of the system, even all parts.  Until or unless it is surrendered to a higher energy, like Faith, fear blocks our ability to see clearly.  Fear traps us, tricks us into believing it is real.  When we put our focus on releasing from the fear through the Faith in our expanded Heart, through Love, we can move ourselves forward towards more Faith and less fear.  Compassion enables us to actively seek greater and greater Faith, knowing it is a greater force to eliminate fear.  Compassion and Faith each access a higher energy that lifts up our perspective away from contracting fear.  Energies of Compassion, Love, Faith and Trust are energies that are part of our expanded Self.  Accessing them through meditation, contemplation or quiet reflection enables our higher Light to sh...