World View Perspective: Compassion heals past traumas
When any aspect in our human system is impacted in negative, hurtful, harmful manners, those effected aspects can throw our system into imbalance. In the state of imbalance, fear can manifest and run amok as if it is a real experience in the here and now. PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is an example of this. A memory gets triggered and it throws a person into an operating mode of behaviors that makes the person think the trauma is happening in real time. Once that happens, it can be difficult or impossible to pull a person back from the triggered response. When we can access true Compassion in our own Heart, that Compassion when consciously applied to effected, impacted levels of our human aspects, that depth of Love can alter that traumatic experience into a calm and balanced state. The inner voice of Loving reason can Lovingly convince the triggered response and area to release the pent up fear and release that old energy. If the h...