
Showing posts from December, 2014

World View Perspective: Compassion for those who cannot release the past

A New Year is a refreshing new opportunity to let go and move on from old wounds, confusion, pain and heartache.  Practicing fresh new forgiveness, learning from past experiences and embracing a new self image is healthy and it promotes a greater sense of well being.  The Love inherently found in our Heart knows all we have been through and why.  It knows the impact others have had on our system throughout our lives.  Accessing the Love and Compassion in our Hearts and applying Love to the areas within us that still hurt, allows us, invites us to heal.  With this Loving intention, we feel uplifted and more aligned and attuned with Love itself.  We need not live in misery.  We need not live in fear.  We have experienced it in differing measures and perhaps identified with it but we are, in fact, not misery or fear itself.  Attachment to fear and misery keep us bound to the past.  Just like we change our clothes, wash them and pu...

World View Perspective: Compassion sees through the veils of pretense

Human beings are quite skilled at hiding, pretending and masking emotions, feelings, thoughts, reactions and behaviors that might make them unfavorable in the eyes of others.  It helps to preserve the areas where they feel most vulnerable, afraid, susceptible or fragile.  When we access compassion through the awareness of a higher Love found in our highest Heart, there is no further need to cover up our perceived areas of weakness.  The true Force of Love streams right into our consciousness and it clears away all the confusion and removes our locks and blocks until all we know is the Love we are within.  It brings us into the now moment where healing, balance and harmony is able to grow, develop and expand.  Where we 'knot' up with a sense of falsehood, compassion unties that 'knot' and sets us free.  Pain belong to the past and it should be released back to the past for us to get past it.  Compassion reminds us of the Love that surrounds us...

World View Perspective: Compassion with courage can change the world.

When compassion becomes action along with courage, people, projects and purpose can change the world.  It becomes a force for positive change in the world.  True heart felt compassion and courage are both deep Love in action.  To become empowered, we need to access the powers of compassion, action and courage in order to bring about positive results.  Standing for what is in our Heart of hearts brings justice, balance, peace and correct action for many who would otherwise remain silent.  Uprisings for greater change must be fueled by true intent to make right what has been imbalanced or societies will not progress and human beings cannot continue to evolve, shift and change.  The world stage is currently going through many processes of change.  Old structures are breaking down so a greater fairness and balance can come.  Those wanting to maintain a solid structure will and do fight to keep what has previously been their domain.  It takes shee...

World View Perspective: Compassion is without judgment

To consciously surrender self judgment and judgment towards others, allows our high Heart to open to compassion.  When we are experiencing Compassion towards our self and others, judgment is absent.  Judgment is a negative and constricted view and perspective which effectively locks and blocks us in.  Loving, active Compassion flows freely without restriction and fills us with joy, truth and Love.  It unites us with Source instead of preventing us from feeling the Oneness of life.  When we think or feel as if we are separate from the Source of Infinite Love, then negativity, judgment and falsehood can derail us from our greater truth, Love and Compassion.  Consequently, we get pulled into a closed minded perspective and evolving or progressing further is inhibited.  Compassion opens the Heart and expands our perspective, inviting, enabling and allowing a greater connection and experience of Source.  In that state, we know nothing is really se...

World View Perspective: The evolution of Compassion

The world is beginning to alter old perceptions and perspectives in the wake of an evolving consciousness of Compassion.  Old stuck structures are giving way to a newly evolving acceptance of those who have been repressed, oppressed, depressed and suppressed in our societies.  It is revealing itself across the board.  It can be seen as conflicts arising, dark secrets coming to light or areas finally opening to scrutiny in order to cleanse, clear, refresh and renew because clearly truthful change is needed.  In this effort, many things will finally be released that are no longer needed or useful so something much better and bigger can come.  Our collective opening in the Heart is the sign Compassion is finally coming in as a means to live our lives in ways that are more positive, balanced and harmonious for our own self, system and others that surround us.  Self Compassion, Compassion for others we know, for those we don't know, Compassion for earth and Comp...

World View Perspective: Compassion is the Heart's Understanding

When Compassion is activated in us, it is knowledge in the Heart that opens.  Compassion reveals to us our humanity along with our inner connection to the bigger picture.  In a snapshot, we can feel the depth of Love for our self and all we have experienced and the same deep heart-felt response towards others.  This Love is truth through the Heart.  It shows us we are not separate from the force of Love itself.  The truth of Love is dynamic as it is present.  Pure Love cuts through any and all barriers that have false origins.  It is like a lightening strike against a darkened sky, in a flash, all is revealed that the clouds hoped to hide.  When the flashes of Compassion come, all is illuminated because in those moments, the light of Love is present.  Ego may feel real to us but, in fact, that isn't who we really are.  Our Light goes much further and much higher than our ego and the limitations of the ego.  When we only id...

World View Perspective: Compassionate Joy

When compassion touches our Heart and spreads to another, joy is evident.  Joy moves the soul into positive action.  Like a song makes us want to dance, the feeling of compassion makes us happy to be alive and able to feel the force of positivity.  Compassionate Joy is saying to our human system being alive is a continuing gift from life itself.  It is a true heart-felt expression of genuine care, depth and understanding.  Joy is an active release of Loving Compassion.  Try it for yourself.  Feel as much open Hearted Joy within yourself, let it spread to all parts of yourself; mental, emotional, physical and into the past 'you'.  Feel the power and energy of the Compassionate Joy as it moves your Heart to accept life right now.  Smile, dance, open up to Joy as a living energy and transformational vibration into a continued happiness.  Our system receives so much daily negativity and it can hold and contain any old hurts, pains ...