World View Perspective: Compassion for those who cannot release the past
A New Year is a refreshing new opportunity to let go and move on from old wounds, confusion, pain and heartache. Practicing fresh new forgiveness, learning from past experiences and embracing a new self image is healthy and it promotes a greater sense of well being. The Love inherently found in our Heart knows all we have been through and why. It knows the impact others have had on our system throughout our lives. Accessing the Love and Compassion in our Hearts and applying Love to the areas within us that still hurt, allows us, invites us to heal. With this Loving intention, we feel uplifted and more aligned and attuned with Love itself. We need not live in misery. We need not live in fear. We have experienced it in differing measures and perhaps identified with it but we are, in fact, not misery or fear itself. Attachment to fear and misery keep us bound to the past. Just like we change our clothes, wash them and pu...