
Showing posts from May, 2014

Resistance Haikus

HAIKUS TO RESISTANCE On cold hard statues Green geckos stop cautiously Until bugs appear Large tall iron gates Keep out any who’d enter As birds land and sing His tough steel armor Freezes his solid set scowl Babies make him cry Sad older couple Walking slowly on the beach Kick off shoes and smile Young child avoids pool Finally sits on stairs to splash Delights fully wet

Women Haikus

HAIKUS TO WOMEN Soft flower petals Blow gently in the warm breeze True feminine bliss Young child wanders free Mother alerted to run Grabs him strong from harm Women’s true fire Breaks down any barrier Until she feels home Her truth comes swiftly When something wrong triggers her Direct action comes In a female’s heart A great depth of love exists She knows truth of heart

Poet Haikus

HAIKUS TO POETS Whispered wind blows through Curtains open for moon shine Poets feel the breeze A splash of sunset Throws open the fading sky A poet knows why One last leaf falls down Before winter claims the ground Poets grasp the change Mother turtle hears Her baby cry from the rocks Poets feel that depth Clouds float by changing Created, dissipated Put to pen by poets

Haikus to Affection

HAIKUS TO AFFECTION Two hawks in the wind Following thermals up high Circling in sync Women wearing hats Grandmother, mother and child Beaming their joined joy Older couple laughs While watching the setting sun Catching the last warmth Grandfather helps dig A deep sand hole with grandson A wave fills it full Aging father sits While daughter walks on the beach First rain she runs back

Courage Haikus

HAIKUS TO COURAGE Young rabbit eats grass Hawks circle high overhead Stillness found in shade Small girl tugs on robes Worn by Indian gurus Others gasp, she smiles Small squirrels dig in sand Not noticing people there Trusting food is close Mother duck with eggs Bears down tight as dogs approach Her courage says no Young men head to war Standing brave, feeling stronger Such determined hearts

Sun Haikus

Haikus to the Sun Awaiting the dawn All things in quiet stillness First rays, life opens Birds echoing songs Early glowing resonance Harmony with life Sunshine drenches earth In golden shimmering light Awakening all Warmth and light exudes Showered down upon the earth As if held by love Sunset brings to close Another day warm with light Hues splashing the sky

Freedom Haikus

HAIKUS TO FREEDOM Single pelican Soaring high above the waves Wings spread, touching sky Hummingbird sits still Swaying branch over the sea Freedom in the wind Small girl’s face shinning Eyes closed facing towards the sun Blond hair blowing free People together Gathered for a common good Flags raised in salute Inner gratitude For the life we have received Brings breaths of freedom

Haikus to the Heart

HEART HAIKUS Egret by the sea The heart feels peace watching him Before flight, he’s still Last glint of light holds Sun’s final rays, calm my heart Trust, tomorrow comes My heart just knows truth Lifting, guiding all the way Constant love is there Forgiveness always Brings a gentle peace to me Gratitude, a smile Eyes of the heart see Just beauty in all of life The truth in the soul

World View Perspective: Saying "YES" to your system

Everything is energy and we are not, in truth, separate from the highest, most positive energy within us, surrounding us and Loving us in each moment and with each heart beat! Our human system has been through a great deal as we grow, shift, change and mature in this life.  We receive our share of dings, hits, blows and setbacks as well as deep disappointments.  The problem is our system will unconsciously grab onto these and hold them in and hidden away for a long, long time. The design and intent is to protect our self but the old energy can become walls that stall other growth and positive change. When we say "YES" to our system, consciously, daily, often with enthusiasm, we align with the Higher Love also always saying "YES".  The resonance is complete and our system has a chance to be uplifted, inspired and healed back to wholeness. Forgiveness, appreciation, gratitude and loving life in the moment allows for this process.  Forgive your lineage, forgive yoursel...

World View Perspective: Intelligence of Energy

Everything is energy.  Positive energy expands and negative energy contracts. We are not separate from the Universal and Cosmic energy that vibrates throughout our solar system and throughout all of life.  When we can embrace that truth and the truth that we can affect positive change in our selves and the world, we truly realize we can become that change through our loving thoughts and feelings.  Given that, through active, positive, expanded consciousness, we can touch the very energetic structure that responds to all of life.  It can seem daunting but through the energy of intelligence it becomes real and instantaneous.  If we think of another person and have a sense of putting loving joy into their "energy space", we can feel a warm resonance back to us.  It is received by their surrounding Light and immediately sent back to ours.  In this way it is a positive interplay between them.  This can happen even without a more conscious recognition o...

World View Perspective: How we really feel

In search of who we are, as we go deeper into our heart and silence our mind, we begin to feel a great Love for life, our self and all that has happened to support our life.  In that deeper feeling of Love, we begin to know there is a much Higher Power guiding our life perfectly, especially when we listen closely to it.  In quiet contemplation or meditation, we can most certainly experience that Infinite Presence, which is Love itself.  Once back into our own self and life, often that feeling of Love subsides and we can feel as if we have fallen into the abyss.  We wonder if it was our imagination, a dream or just idealistic thinking that inspired us to expand our heart.  In truth, it is a process of shift and change with an active consciousness which does open us and close us as it clears the unconscious aspects as we seek the happy, healthy balance.  Clarity of mind and emotions from the past brings about much improved physical and spiritual health and ha...

Inner Growth Haikus

HAIKUS TO INNER GROWTH Expecting the bulb To blossom its true flavor Wafting its secrets Mothers prepare home To welcome in their off spring Fresh newness abounds Early water flows Cascading from recent rain Embellishing life Water gaining speed Thrusting new momentum full Sudden waves appear Gathering dark clouds Sky so charged with energy Lightening sparks new flame

World View Perspective: Surrendering negativity to positivity

Negative thoughts, feelings and perceptions of our self or others, creates and generates a grid of negative energy. Within that grid, we can stay blocked and trapped by our own judgments and critical thoughts.  If we don't realize we have done this or realize we are not our thoughts, then we continue to attach, identify and react as if we are the negative grid.  It takes a stronger force to come along and break this grid and negative cycle.  That force is the strength of Love, Truth and Positive Energy, which are abundant in our Heart of hearts.  As Einstein implied, whatever caused the problem, another approach must solve it.  If the negativity is in our mind, body and emotions, then accessing the Pure Love in our Heart, through true and genuine aspiration, we can open our Heart's Compassion to our self.  In Light of that Truth, we can eradicate any and all negativity that continues to lock and block our system. The more we use the Love, the more we become...

Haikus to Mothers

HAIKUS TO A MOTHER'S LOVE In a mother’s heart Love will always be present No matter what else She recognizes When her child carries sadness She lifts up their heart Love can be sudden Swiftly riding in to save Effective rescue Mothers are attuned To her children’s quiet needs While she whispers, “Yes”. Regardless of life, A mother’s love withstands all Quietly spoken

Earth Haikus

HAIKUS TO MOTHER EARTH Full streams flow like tears Gathering, pooling, swirling A joyous release Lava pulses heat Steaming, boiling, hot movement Fiery passion A grove of Aspen Shaking, shimmering, golden Glory of the fall Renewal of spring Life blossoms full once again New growth surrounds us Windy days stir up Reminders of coming chill Bringing us within

World View Perspective: The Sacred Feminine

When the energies of the masculine and feminine are not balanced and positive between them, within them and among them, nothing else will be balanced either.  The masculine drivers are developed and created to take outer action, to naturally protect and provide, given their extra strength and body build and their more external drives.  This is also noted in the animal species.  The naturally feminine traits tend to be softer, more flexible and nurturing of the young, those needing support and the elderly.  They tend to be more internally driven. Also, noted in the animal species. Both males and females can do both sets of traits, of course, and in most settings, they are also drawn towards their natural inclinations.  The imbalances on earth now are also related to the imbalances of the male and female energies.  The Sacred Feminine, or Divine Feminine, is not being equally honored and respected like the masculine has been for a long, long time.  This ...

World View Perspective: Faith in Inner Freedom

In the depth of our human heart, there is the living experience of a Love so deep, profound and miraculous that when we surrender our self to that beautiful guidance and comfort, amazing things can and will happen.  When we find our self in situations and circumstances that are brutal, toxic, fearful, disturbing and/or alarming to us, accessing that depth of faith and the inner freedom of it, we can calmly trust we are in Loving hands.  This Love can safely take us through any obstacles we face.  There is great courage in our deepest Heart and, even when our mind might be in doubt, the Loving Guidance in our own Heart gives us the open opportunity to let go of any fear until we feel the peace.  The experiential feeling of inner peace is the same as feeling our inner freedom.  It is surrendering to the Loving Guidance of a Higher Power and embracing our full faith in the process that allows the freedom.  The truth will ultimately reveal itself, more so, as w...

World View Perspective: The Consciousness of Compassion

Compassion is a function of the High Heart.  When we can enter that space of a greater understanding, awareness and unity, accessing a pure Love of Truth, we can feel such empathy towards our self and all others.  We can see through True Feeling that the suffering is not necessary. Human pain is a part of life and it guides us to how we learn, grow, expand and advance our thinking because we inherently know there is something more beyond suffering. Our heart and our soul knows that suffering is not necessary. Burdens of all kinds can be surrendered to a Higher Power and, in that act of Faith, true compassion can emerge.  All of our awareness in this life is there to help the soul open and, through knowledge and experience, further develop.  It takes courage and trust to keep offering any locks and blocks in our human systems to a Higher Power enabling it to become a transforming force. Forgiveness and compassion are two energies we can access in our heart that encour...

Haikus to Inner Worth

HAIKUS TO INNER WORTH Hard, cold stone hard cliff, Delicate yellow petals Push their way to shine Mother Monk seal leaves Her one baby to survive He fishes to live Dog digs her way out Runs away to find warm fire Settles in for night Cat left when too sacred Years later she found her way To her family’s love Scientist’s interest Studied seals underwater One swam up, hugged him

World View Perspective: Our Inner Worth and Value

Our best sense of who we are comes from within.  We are not separate from the Truth, Love and Peace that is in our own heart  The more we open our hearts and minds to embrace this higher perspective and intelligence of Light, the more we expand and begin to realize and remember who we are.  We also connect to the great collective consciousness of all of life.  We can then be more and more discerning of the Truth from falsehood and the Consciousness from the unconsciousness as aspects of life and our self.  The heart is the best way in, and in that way, we can feel the Truth of our true Being Self.  All of life is a process between finding and realizing this balance and harmony of the inherent Peace, Joy, Beauty and Love of the Truth of our inner worth and value.  It will always be first through Love Itself.